Terms & Conditions

(Last updated 1 February 2020)


You (whether as a client or person using/accessing) agree to these terms and conditions of use (T&Cs) and our Privacy Policy by using the websites or other online platforms (including social media) of Kin Lawyers Pty Ltd (We/Us) and/or communicating with us via web form or email.

If you do not agree to these T&Cs you should cease using our websites and other online platforms or communicating with us via email.

You can access our Privacy Policy here.


Although we will do our best to protect your personal information and provide current and accurate information, you agree and acknowledge that:

  • Your use of our websites, other online platforms (including social media) and email communication with us (our platforms) is entirely at your own risk.
  • We take no responsibility for, and are not liable for, our platforms being unavailable due to issues beyond our control.
  • We provide no  warranty, either express or implied, about the completeness, reliability, accuracy, suitability or availability with respect to our platforms or the content contained on our platforms (our content) for any purpose. Your reliance on any of our content is therefore strictly at your own risk.
  • You are aware that transmission via the internet cannot be guaranteed to be secure. We do not guarantee the security of your information and data transmitted via our platforms and any such transmissions are at your own risk. You accept the risk that any information you provide to us via our platforms may be disclosed to third parties, corrupted or lost during its transmission and only provide us with information via our platforms if you accept this risk.
  • Our services and content are provided in relation to Australian law, and in some circumstances South Australian law, only. Our content is for the purpose of general information only and does not constitute legal advice.
  • You should obtain independent legal or other professional advice as necessary to your own circumstances before you act or rely on any of our content.
  • Use of our platforms does not or intend to create a solicitor-client relationship between you and us.

Links to other Websites

Our platforms may provide links to, information from or advertising about other online platforms, businesses, community groups and government agencies (third parties and/or third-party content). We do not necessarily imply endorsement, approval or sponsorship of, and cannot be held responsible for the nature, availability, completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability of third parties or third-party content.

Your interaction on our platforms:

We ask that you’re respectful in your comments posted on our platforms. We reserve the right to remove anything we deem:

  • ‘spam’ or third party advertising
  • abusive or a personal attack;
  • material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful or embarrassing to any other person or entity  and to terminate use of our platforms by users who post such content.

The opinions expressed on our platforms do not necessarily represent those of Kin Lawyers. We cannot be held responsible for the completeness, accuracy, reliability or suitability of information posted by third parties.

Limitation of Liability

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

We exclude to the extent legally permitted, all liability for any loss or damage of whatever kind without limitation whatsoever arising from or in connection with the use of our platforms.

It is your responsibility to have your own protection against computer viruses or any other forms of interference, or any other cause of loss or damage (including any reliance on any third parties or third-party content).

Intellectual property

Unless otherwise stated, we own and reserve all copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights in our content on our platforms. Your access of our content is for your personal use only and you may not use, reproduce or copy any part of our content for any other purpose unless you have our prior written consent.

This Agreement

These T&Cs and are governed by the laws of South Australia.

These T&Cs together with our Privacy Policy form the entire agreement between you and us regarding your access to and use of our content and our platforms, subject only to requirements of any law. All implied terms except those which cannot be expressly excluded pursuant to law, are hereby expressly excluded.

If any part of these T&Cs are unenforceable, the remaining parts of these T&Cs will remain in force.

Changes to T&Cs

We reserve the right to amend these T&Cs; notice of any changes will be published on the homepage of our website for 14 days and thereafter be in effect.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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