Accredited Specialist in Family Law

Category: Accredited Specialist in Family Law

Can I create my own will?

Can I create my own will? Can I create my own will? Kin Lawyers Adelaide family law specialists

Can I create my own will? The internet has made it easier than ever to find do-it-yourself solutions for various tasks, including wills and estate planning.  But can you create your own will? The simple answer is yes, you can.  DIY will kits and online templates are readily available, tempting many to consider drafting their […]

What do I do before separating from my spouse?

If you’re thinking of separating from your spouse, whilst it can be emotionally overwhelming it’s important to have a clear plan with practical steps.  We have put together a list of things to do before separating from your spouse to help make it easier for you.  Look after you The first and most important step […]

Proposed Changes to the Family Law Act

Proposed Changes to the Family Law Act

The Federal Government in Australia is proposing significant changes to the Family Law Act in relation to parenting matters.  The changes aim to put the best interests of children at the forefront and simplify the law, as recommended by recent inquiries. The draft Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 was released on 30 January 2023 for […]

Your Best Chance for a Successful Split

Your Best Chance for a Successful Split Black boots on the ground in front of two diverging arrows

We’ve all heard many horror stories about the Family Court like this one, Family law judges at breaking point, going from one ‘horrific’ case to the next. However, the good news is that when you’re facing separation, you don’t necessarily have to be swept up in this sad and frustrating state of affairs. A “successful […]

What is Collaborative Law?

What is Collaborative Law?

an opportunity to do things differently. Collaborative Law is a process of alternative dispute resolution in which parties each appoint specially-trained lawyers and agree to work together to resolve their disputes out of Court. This process brings parties and their lawyers together in a series of round table meetings to facilitate negotiations in a focussed […]

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