
Category: Wills

Can I create my own will?

Can I create my own will? Can I create my own will? Kin Lawyers Adelaide family law specialists

Can I create my own will? The internet has made it easier than ever to find do-it-yourself solutions for various tasks, including wills and estate planning.  But can you create your own will? The simple answer is yes, you can.  DIY will kits and online templates are readily available, tempting many to consider drafting their […]

When do you need to update your will?

When you first created your will, the thought of needing to update it probably didn’t cross your mind.  We have put together some scenarios to help you know when you need to update your will. Make sure to reach out to your lawyer to help with making any revisions.   Marriage or Divorce:  You will want […]

What is your digital death & afterlife going to look like?

What is your digital death & afterlife going to look like?

Did you know that Facebook has around 300 million accounts belonging to deceased persons and that it is anticipated for this to be in the billions within decades?  This recent article highlights the importance of proper estate planning which considers all necessary aspects in 2020 (Year of the Apocalypse) – including managing your digital grave and […]

Online court systems and the need for truth and accuracy (including for probate and estate matters)

Online court systems and the need for truth and accuracy (including for probate and estate matters)

New laws commenced yesterday in South Australia creating new criminal offences for entering false or misleading information about certain matters through an electronic court management system (and including providing false instructions to a lawyer or other person assisting with the application). This includes (but is not limited to) information such as: personal identification information contact […]

Where there’s a way, there should be a Will!

Where there’s a way, there should be a Will!

  Unlike some other states, electronic witnessing of documents is not something that will be introduced in SA according to the Attorney-General.   (But the criteria for those people who can witness Statutory Declarations has been expanded, including government employees, accountants, religious ministers, medical professionals and bank officers who meet the criteria – see www.agd.sa.gov.au) […]

Why a Will?

Why a Will?

Over half of Australians do not have a will – and South Australians were less likely than their interstate counterparts to do so with only 42% saying they had a will (source: 2018 finder.com.au survey). In fact, it is likely that for some of those people who have a will, it may no longer be […]

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